News Item (17baade4-a5a3-0ac2-8945-01e71affdd1f)

Описание к видео News Item (17baade4-a5a3-0ac2-8945-01e71affdd1f)

(24 Oct 1974) 10/31/74 c0048796 - color
calif launch of a minuteman i intercontinental ballistic missile from a us air force c5 - a aircraft

cut story: "minuteman i icbm missile launched from c5 - a shows: c - 5a with chase plane in background: drogue parachute dropping out of rear of c - 5a: minuteman missile leaves the c - 5a (interior and exterior): minuteman missile as it free falls after leaving c - 5a: minuteman separating from sled: missile ignites: missile achieves upward thrust: missile in flight and burns out:
(shot 10/24/74 214ft)

warplanes - transports - c 5
rockets - military - minuteman i
us - defenses

dod91 - 74 / 214 ft / 16 mm / color / print

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