Digital Talk “Living with Artificial Intelligence” with Kate Crawford and Guy Hoffman

Описание к видео Digital Talk “Living with Artificial Intelligence” with Kate Crawford and Guy Hoffman

Artificial Intelligence – AI for short – increasingly shapes our world. Leading scholar Kate Crawford has studied the social, political, and ecological implications of AI. Her book »Atlas of AI« addresses its development as well as the situation of low-wage information workers and the mining of data from social and individual actions and utterances. Together with Guy Hoffman, researcher in robotics and human-robot interaction, and Amelie Klein, curator of the exhibition “Hello, Robot.”, she discusses the risks and advantages that AI and robots can bring to our lives.

Talk in the context of the exhibition
Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine
24.09.2022 – 05.03.2023
Vitra Design Museum

More information:

An exhibition by the Vitra Design Museum, MAK – Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, and the Design Museum Gent.



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