বাংলা পাঠ পরিকল্পনা তৈরি করার নিয়ম। Akram Sir Education Protidin

Описание к видео বাংলা পাঠ পরিকল্পনা তৈরি করার নিয়ম। Akram Sir Education Protidin

I shown this video বাংলা পাঠ পরিকল্পনা তৈরি করার নিয়ম। Akram Sir Education Protidin.
Welcome to my channel Education Protidin . This channel is most popular Youtube channel in Bangladesh. You can get easily find Six to Ten teaching class of all subjects and also Bed teaching practice/simulation class, upokoron , Bed listen planning, path porikolpona ,kivabe path porikolpona likhte hoy, Bed short question, Bort question ,mark distribution assignment, Ict practical/beboharik, and CPG Result and all information of BED. Shortcut in English, Paragraph, Dialogue, Letter, Application & Email writing. All grammatical solution board books. I will Teaching every class lesson to lesson. #AkramSir #BahimaliHighSchool #PathPorikolpona
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Education Protidin


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