Les Pronoms Rélatifs Composés - Lequel, Laquelle, Lesquels, Lesquelles - For Classes : - 8985278894.

Описание к видео Les Pronoms Rélatifs Composés - Lequel, Laquelle, Lesquels, Lesquelles - For Classes : - 8985278894.

TODAY'S LESSON SUMMARY: In this video, I am showing Les Pronoms Rélatifs Composes - Composed Relative Pronouns in French - Lequel, Laquelle, Lesquels, Lesquelles.
This video is very helpful for basic French learners who is studying Intermediate 2 nd Year French as second language in Andhra Pradesh, Telengana.
Watch the video and let us know your opinions, suggestions etc. through your valuable comments.
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