How to Play & Review - The Plum Island Horror

Описание к видео How to Play & Review - The Plum Island Horror

** Note - Rule correction from Hermann Luttmann, himself: “With the "Chaos!" spawn, you draw two Fate Cards and use the Fate Numbers to indicate which tracks are spawned (not the actual Spawn instruction on those cards).”
***whenever the rules or a card talks about civilian units, it means the number of discs and not the value of those discs.
***Forgot to mention this important rule. During the 3 night rounds, all horrors get +1 to their movement.

This isn't the island you thought it was...well at least not any more. This is how to play the board game The Plum Island Horror, followed by a short review. Spoilers, this game is amazing!!!
A cooperative state of siege style survival game, for 1-4 players.
Produced by GMT Games and designed by Hermann Luttmann.

I was not paid to review this game.


0:00 - Intro
0:31 - showing board and player boards.
7:52 - Win/Lose conditions
8:36 - Phase 1 Hunger Phase
8:51 - Faction token - (Phase 2 Activity Phase)
9:06 - Crisis Adrenaline
10:10 - Player Action Amount
10:27 - Movement Action
10:54 - Crowd Control Action
11:31 - Evacuate Action
12:34 - Repaire Action
13:20 - Build Compound Action
14:28 - Combat Action
18:11 - Location Actions
19:38 - Special Unit Actions
19:54 - Follow Action
21:16 - Impending Doom token - (Activity Phase)
21:50 - Fate token (Activity Phase)
25:58 - Phase 3 - End Phase
27:19 - Phase 1 - Hunger Phase (For Real this time)
28:16 - Overrun
29:53 - Evacuate at Great South Bay Bridge
30:38 - Horrors and damage
31:30 - Review


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