Studying medicine in Košice: What do medical students do in their free time? (UPJS, Slovakia)

Описание к видео Studying medicine in Košice: What do medical students do in their free time? (UPJS, Slovakia)

Do you wish to study General medicine or Dentistry in Kosice, Slovakia? The University of Pavel Jozef Safarik offers English study programs with over 1100 international students enrolled. The Faculty is popular also because of favourable transfer policy from different universities (up to 4th year, marks A-E are recognised)
This time, we went to the Formaclub, a gym close to the Faculty of Medicine in Košice. We asked students, who they like studying in Košice at the University of Pavel Jozef Safarik. Many international students are from Germany, Poland Italy, Spain, and Portugal.
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