DBFZ - Android 17 Neutral Guide

Описание к видео DBFZ - Android 17 Neutral Guide

Here's a new Neutral Guide looking at Android 17! This video is a bit shorter and brief compared to the other ones. Geared towards 17's neutral tips with how to maximize your movement to win and what else he can do in neutral.

Let me know what you think down below. Please leave a like & comment if you’ve enjoyed this video, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Music: DBZ Dokkan Battle - LR Android 17 (Universe 7) OST


0:00 Intro
0:23 Normals & Pokes
2:33 Staircase
3:28 j.S
4:42 22S
5:10 Rekka Tips
6:20 Aerial Jumps
7:59 Conclusion

#DBFZ #DBFZ_A17 #Android17


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