Adeptus Custodes - Eternal Guardians | Metal Song | Warhammer 40K | Community Request

Описание к видео Adeptus Custodes - Eternal Guardians | Metal Song | Warhammer 40K | Community Request

The strength of the Imperium is upheld.

This song's theme was suggested by the community.
Have song suggestions? Comment the topic and the music genre!

Note: This video is fan made and not official.
The song and the art are AI generated as follows:
Song (music + vocals) - Suno
Art - Midjourney

The lyrics and theme were developed by me, "The Automatic Singer." ChatGPT was used for creative ideation and lyric refinement to ensure the content aligns with my vision.

[Verse 1]
Amidst the grandeur of Terra's heart
Where golden spires pierce the dark
Our duty bound by age-old decree
For in His service, we are free

Through halls of power, our steps resound
Guardians of the sacred ground
Our devotion, a silent creed we wear
For the Golden Throne, eternal care

Eternal guardians, in His light
Against the dark, we bring the fight
Our oath, a bond that time can't rend
Only in Death does Duty End

[Verse 2]
Beyond the palace, chaos rages
But within, we turn the timeless pages
Wisdom deep, in our hearts, we carry
For the Imperium's sake, we must not tarry

In service bound, our fates are sealed
With bolter, blade, and shield revealed
Through centuries long, our watch has held
By ancient codes, our lives are spelled

Eternal guardians, in His light
Against the dark, we bring the fight
Our oath, a bond that time can't rend
Only in Death does Duty End

In the silence of the palace halls
Hear the echo of our ancestral calls
With every enemy that we have felled
The strength of the Imperium is upheld

[Chorus] x2
Eternal guardians, in His light
Against the dark, we bring the fight
Our oath, a bond that time can't rend
Only in Death does Duty End

As the aeons pass, our oath remains
Guardians eternal, in His name
For the Emperor, and Terra's grace
The Adeptus Custodes shall hold this place


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