[FREE] LAZER DIM 700 + perc40 + TDF Type Beat - Nah

Описание к видео [FREE] LAZER DIM 700 + perc40 + TDF Type Beat - Nah

LAZER DIM 700 + perc40 + TDF Type Beat - Nah

BPM: 144
KEY: F maj

📫contact: [email protected]
✉️telegram (more beats): https://t.me/prod_ImJustRockin
📸inst: @prod.imjustrockin

The free version of this beat can only be used for non-profitable, non-commercial projects and nothing besides that. This means YouTube or Soundcloud use with NO monetization. The free version of this beat is NOT available for streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, etc. Credit must be given in the title and in the description as following: (Prod. by ImJustRockin)


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