Asthapadhi 22(राधा वदन(Radha Vadana or Harimeka Rasam) Haridas Guruji Rendition with lyrics/Meanings

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The Ashtapadi or the Gitagovindam

The Ashtapadi is a work by Jayadeva, a great devotee of Krishna. It is replete with elements conducive to bhakti rasa—music and dance. It was composed by Jayadeva at the Jagannatha Kshetra of Puri, while his wife, Padmavati, danced to its music. Both music and dance are among the sixty-four kinds of offerings made to god at the time of pooja or worship. Each of these offerings helps us to invoke the Lord’s karuna or compassion on us. Of these, music and dance have very intense, personal significance. The Lord is of the form of music. The art of dance is a mingling of music with the ambient air.
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#22 राधा वदन (Radha Vadana or Harimeka Rasam)

sA sasAdhvasa sAnandam gOvindE lOla lOchana
SinjAna manju manjeeram pravivESa nivESanam ||

Radha entered the cottage and looked at Govinda with a mixed feeling of happiness and fear. Her anklets were making tinkling noise.

Lyrics And Meanings:
rādhā-vadana-vilokana-vikasita-vividha-vikāra-vibhaṅgam |
jala-nidhim iva vidhu-maṇḍala-darśana-taralita-tuṅga-taraṅgam ||1||
harim eka-rasaṃ ciram abhilaṣita-vilāsam |
sā dadarśa guru-harṣa-vaśaṃvada-vadanam anaṅga-nivāsaṃ || dhruvapādam||

Krishna looked at the moon-like face of Radha and was filled with waves of love. It was like sea waves rising at the sight of the moon. Radha glanced at Krishna with all eagerness.

hāram amalatara-tāram urasi dadhataṃ parilambya vidūram |
sphuṭatara-phena-kadamba-karambitam iva yamunā-jala-pūram ||2||

Krishna is adorned with shining pearl garlands on his chest. It was like sparkling foam on waves of Yamuna river.

śyāmala-mṛdula-kalevara-maṇḍalam adhigata-gaura-dukūlam |
nīla-nalinam iva pita-parāga-paṭala-bhara-valayita-mūlam ||3||

Yellow silk garment on Krishna was appearing like yellow pollen flying over blue lotus flower.

tarala-dṛg-añcala-calana-manohara-vadana-janita-rati-rāgam |
sphuṭa-kamalodara-khelita-khañjana-yugam iva śaradi taḍāgam ||4||

Radha was looking at Krishna with her black rolling eyes. Krishna was looking at her with great excitement. It was like birds flying over lake with lotus flowers in Sarat season.

vadana-kamala-pariśīlana-milita-mihira-sama-kuṇḍala-śobham |
smita-ruci-rucira-samullasitādhara-pallava-kṛta-rati-lobham ||5||

Krishna's ear-hangings were shining like Sun rays. His lips were eager to enjoy kiss on tender lips of Radha.

śaśi-kiraṇa-cchuritodara-jaladhara-sundara-sakusuma-keśam |
timirodita-vidhu-maṇḍala-nirmala-malayaja-tilaka-niveśam ||6||

Moon rays were shining on Krishna's chest. It was like moon in dark clouds. Mark of sandalwood paste was beautiful on his face.

vīpula-pulaka-bhara-danturitaṃ rati-keli-kalābhiradhīraṃ |
maṇi-gaṇa-kiraṇa-samūha-samujjvala-bhūṣaṇa-subhaga-śarīram ||7||

Sri Krishna is thrilled to meet Radha. He was gorgeous with gem-studded ornaments

śrī-jayadeva-bhaṇita-vibhava-dviguṇīkṛta-bhūṣaṇa-bhāram |
praṇamata hṛdi vinidhāya hariṃ suciraṃ sukṛtodaya-sāram ||8||

Sri Krishna's auspicious qualities are his jewels. Poet Jayadeva doubles his splendour by describing him with jewel-like attributes. Let all devotees meditate upon the glory of Krishna and become pious.


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