Pope Francis' FULL HOMILY on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul at the Vatican 2023

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Pope Francis blesses the pallia for new Metropolitan Archbishops and emphasizes the importance of following Jesus and proclaiming the Gospel in his homily during the feast of Sts Peter and Paul. 📖⛪️

Reflecting on the lives of Peter and Paul, the Pope highlights their commitment to being disciples of Jesus and sharing the Good News. He calls on the Church to grow by constantly seeking the Lord and spreading His message, especially in places marked by poverty and marginalization.

Peter's journey of following Jesus teaches us that true knowledge of Christ comes from daily discipleship and experiencing His transforming love. The Pope reminds us not to make excuses or doubt our abilities, as trust in God's grace is essential.

Paul's dedication to proclaiming the Gospel reminds us that evangelization is a mutual process. As we share the Word with others, we ourselves are enriched and deepen our understanding of God's mystery.

Pope Francis encourages the Church to be an outgoing and joyful community, finding joy in preaching the Gospel and opening people's hearts to God's presence. He calls on believers to bring the Lord Jesus everywhere, humbly and with enthusiasm, transforming society and embracing those in need.

As Archbishops receive the Pallium, a symbol of communion with the Church of Rome, the Pope urges them to follow the footsteps of Peter and Paul, becoming apostles in preaching the Gospel and bringing its beauty to all people.


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