English Christian Song | "The Dynamics of God's Work Throughout the Universe"

Описание к видео English Christian Song | "The Dynamics of God's Work Throughout the Universe"

English Christian Song | "The Dynamics of God's Work Throughout the Universe"

Many years has God passed among man,
yet he has always remained unaware, and has never known God.
Today God tells man this with His own mouth,
so that all people may come before God to receive something from Him,
but still they keep their distance from Him, and so they do not know Him.
When God's footsteps tread across the universe and to the ends of the earth,
man will begin to reflect upon himself,
man will begin to reflect upon himself,
and all people will come to God and bow down before Him and worship Him.
This will be the day God gains glory, the day of His return,
and also the day of His departure, the day of His departure.
Now, God has begun His work among all mankind,
has formally embarked
throughout the entire universe upon the finale of His management plan.
From this moment onward, any who are not cautious
are liable to be plunged amid merciless chastisement,
and this could happen at any moment.
This is not because God is heartless;
rather, it's a step of His management plan;
all must proceed according to the steps of God's plan,
and no man can change this.
This is not because God is heartless;
rather, it's a step of His management plan;
all must proceed according to the steps of God's plan,
and no man can change this.
When God formally begins His work,
all people move as He moves,
such that people throughout the universe occupy themselves in step with God,
there is "jubilation" across the universe, and man is spurred onward by God.
There is "jubilation" across the universe, and man is spurred onward by God.
In consequence, the great red dragon itself is whipped into a state,
a state of frenzy and bewilderment by God,
and it serves His work,
and, despite being unwilling, it's unable to follow its own desires,
but is left with no choice but to submit to God's control.
In all of God's plans, the great red dragon is His foil,
His enemy, and also His servant;
as such, God has never relaxed His "requirements" of it.
Therefore, the final stage of the work of God's incarnation
is completed in its household.
In this way, the great red dragon is more able to do service for God properly,
through which God will conquer it and complete His plan.
As God works, all angels embark upon the decisive battle with Him
and resolve to satisfy His intentions in the final stage,
so that the people on earth surrender before God like the angels,
and have no desire to oppose Him, and do nothing that betrays Him.
These are the dynamics of God's work throughout the universe.
These are the dynamics of God's work throughout the universe.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God's Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 29

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