Stops that Inspire! The Cross in Texas on I-40

Описание к видео Stops that Inspire! The Cross in Texas on I-40

Are you on I-40 driving through Texas and need to take a break? We have a great suggestion for you!
We stopped to take an inspirational break right along our way, and visited one of the tallest free-standing crosses in the world: 19-stories, 190 feet tall and ranked 19th tallest worldwide! If you've traveled I-40 in Texas, you've probably noticed the Cross from the road... it's visible for miles! There's more to see and experience there at the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, I-40 exit 112 near Groom, Texas.

There are stations of the cross there as well making it a great place to visit during Lent and at Easter!

Have you been there before or would you like to go? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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