Pharm D, B Pharm, D Pharm courses details📚| scope, job opportunities and salary in India

Описание к видео Pharm D, B Pharm, D Pharm courses details📚| scope, job opportunities and salary in India

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time stamps
00:00 - 01:13 = Intro
01:13 - 02:47 = Complete Pharm D course details
02:48 - 03:07 = Scope in pharmacy
03:08 - 03:32 = Job opportunities for Pharm D
03:33 - 04:07 = Can you drop the course in between?
04:08 - 04:39 = B Pharm and M Pharm course details
04:40 - 04:55 = Salary details
04:66 - 05:10 = D Pharm course details
05:10 - 05:30 = outro


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