Hear Everything with the Cearvol Diamond X1 OTC Hearing Aid -- DEMO & REVIEW

Описание к видео Hear Everything with the Cearvol Diamond X1 OTC Hearing Aid -- DEMO & REVIEW

It's surprising just how many adults of all ages have partial hearing loss in one or both ears, but that's because it's hard to know when you're not hearing as well as you did when you were younger. Cearvol solves the problem for mild or moderate hearing loss with its FDA registered Diamond X1 OTC Hearing Aid. Tech expert Dave Taylor has a close look at the Cearvol Diamond X1 over-the-counter hearing aid and finds that there's a lot appealing about its design and feature set.

This video also includes a live demonstration of the companion Cearvol app and a sample of the 4 beamform mic pickup capabilities too.

Check it out at: https://cearvol.com/

Visit Dave's Q&A Web site at: https://www.AskDaveTaylor.com/



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