1983-05-01: V The Original Miniseries Debuts

Описание к видео 1983-05-01: V The Original Miniseries Debuts

"The Visitors had orchestrated the conspiracy themselves, so that scientists would be ostracized around the world."

This is a modern example of the Invasion Literature genre prevalent in the United Kingdom from 1871 through the First World War (1914–1918).

Written and directed by Kenneth Johnson, V: The Original Miniseries was a science-fiction television miniseries delivered by NBC in two parts in May of 1983. It was followed in May of 1984 with V: The Final Battle. A weekly television series, V: The Series then ran from 26 October 1984 – 22 March 1985.

#UAPDisclosure, #Vminseries, #NBC, #Seinfeld, #MrWilhelm, #tomowensuap, #owensufolibrary, #thomasowens, #invasionliterature, #spaceships, #visitors, #May1983, #tomowensuap



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