mcqs in pharma for prometric exam || 50 MCQs

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50 MCQs in pharma for Prometric exam
Very Important questions answers

the SLE , DHA and others Prometric Exam. Understanding the exam’s format and preparing accordingly are the keys to success.
Prometric Exam Healthcare Professional who wants to work in Gulf Countries (the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain, Yemen).

Our 50 MCQs Exam Questions will help you prepare for Prometric MCQ qualifying exam for doctors and nurses and pharmacists
We hope that our vedios on how to earn the greatest possible score on the DHA, SLE and others Prometric Exam will assist you in preparing for the exam.

In this video and its affiliated parts in the miscellaneous section, 50 multiple-choice questions about drugs, uses, common side effects, mechanism of action, drug interactions, contraindications, to pass  prometric exam, person view and many important questions that you may encounter in many exams.



1. It nootropic agent used in brain disorder is
a) Aspirin
b) Pyrectam*l
c) Warfarin
d) All of the above

2. Beri-beri is caused by the deficiency of:
a) Riboflavin
b) Ascorbic acid
c) Nicotinic acid
d) Thiamine

3. Drugs which cause fetal renal anomalies :
a. Phenytoin
b. Furosemide
c. Amlodipine
d. Enalapril

4. All of the following antiviral drugs are the analogs of nucleosides, EXCEPT:
a) Acyclovir
b) Zidovudine
c) Saquinavir
d) Didanozine

5.All of the following are common adverse effects of calcium channel blockers EXCEPT:
a) Headache
b) Dizziness
c) Skeletal muscle weakness
d) Flushing

6. Which of the following drugs is a nondepolarizing muscle relaxant?
a) Scopolamine
b) Succinylcholine
c) Hexamethonium
d) Pancuronium

7. Which of the following vitamins resembles with hormone
a) Vitamin К
b) Vitamin A
c) Vitamin D
d) Vitamin E

8. Deficiency symptom of riboflavin is:
a) Cheilitis – inflammation of the lips or of a lip, with redness and the production of fissures radiating from the angles of the mouth
b) Cheilosis – a disorder of the lips characterized by fissures, especially in the corners of the mouth
c) Angular stomatitis, associated with a wrinkled or fissured epithelium that does not involve the mucosa
d) All of the above

9. All of the following statements concerning vitamin A functions are true EXCEPT:
a) Transmission of light stimuli to the brain, via combination with a specific protein, opsin, to form a visual pigment, rhodopsin, in the retina of the eye
b) Regulation of cell growth and differentiation in epithelium, connective tissues (including bone and cartilage) and hematopoietic tissues by retinoic acid, a highly bioactive metabolite of retinol
c) Retinoic acid is especially important during embryogenesis
d) Acts as a hormone involved in regulation of calcium and phosphorus homeostasis

10. Tick the drug, a derivative of adamantane:
a) Didanozine
b) Rimantadine
c) Gancyclovir
d) Foscarnet

11. Tick the drug, a derivative of pyrophosphate:
a) Foscarnet
b) Zidovudine
c) Vidarabine
d) Acyclovir

12. Tick the drug, inhibiting viral DNA synthesis:
a) Interferon
b) Saquinavir
c) Amantadine
d) Acyclovir

13. Tick the drug, inhibiting uncoating of the viral RNA:
a) Vidarabine
b) Rimantadine
c) Acyclovir
d) Didanozine

14. Which of the following agents is/are important hormonal antagonists of insulin in the body?
a) Glucagon
b) Adrenal steroids
c) Adrenaline
d) All of the above

15. Glucagon is:
a) A glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 6000
b) A peptide – identical in all mammals – consisting of a single chain of 29 amino acids
c) A fructoolygosaccharide
d) A small protein with a molecular weight of 5808 having disulphide linkage

16. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a) Glucagon is synthesized in the A cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans.
b) Glucagon is a peptide – identical in all mammals – consisting of a single chain of 29 amino acids
c) Glucagon is extensively degraded in the liver and kidney as well as in plasma, and at its tissue receptor sites.
d) Half-life of glucagon is between 6 and 8 hours, which is similar to that of insulin

17. Main complications of insulin therapy include the following:
a) Hypoglycemia
b) Insulin allergy
c) Lipodystrophy at an injection site
d) All of the above

18. All of the following statements concerning cholestyramine (Questran) are true, EXCEPT:
a) It would not be a good choice for treating patients with familial hypertriglyceridemia (type IV)
b) It is not well tolerated by patients
c) It works by directly binding cholesterol in the blood
d) It is an effective drug for treatment of types IIa and IIb hyperlipidemia


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