Touching Slate for Blind: National Level Science Project

Описание к видео Touching Slate for Blind: National Level Science Project

'Touching slate for Blind' was made by K. Nunusa, a child scientist from Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya, Pungar (Block-Semiliguda, Koraput) with inspiration from the model developed by Padmashree Aravind Gupta. This project was selected for Jawaharlal Nehru National Level Science Mathematics and Environmental Exhibition.
This is a working model designed for visually impaired learners. It works with the simple concept that, wool adheres to the nylon hooks of velcro sheet.
Music- Inspire
Artist- Asutosh
#scienceproject #innovative #scienceandtechnology #scienceexperiment #trending #sciencetoys #innovativelearning
National level science project.
National level science exhibition working model.
National level Science project innovative ideas


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