my *honest* A-LEVEL experience | A2 results reaction 2022, tips on surviving, sunway college

Описание к видео my *honest* A-LEVEL experience | A2 results reaction 2022, tips on surviving, sunway college

this is a long one but hope it helps for any of ya'll who are thinking of taking A-Levels.

☆ do change the vid quality to 1080p for a better experience :)

☆ let's be friends
insta:   / kayleekwaa   (do dm me you're from yt!!)

☆ me
age - 18
ethnicity - malaysian 🇲🇾
date of birth - 4th July 2004 :)

☆ timestamps
1:02 what are a-levels?
1:53 the structure
3:01 why a-levels over other pre-u programs
4:01 subjects I took
4:52 final grade reaction
5:37 choosing subjects
7:27 is a-levels hard?
8:49 thoughts on a-levels
10:14 tips on studying
10:28 uni apps / UCAS
11:54 sunway college facilities
14:23 sunway vs taylors

☆ tags: should I take a-levels, why a-levels, Cambridge A-level, a-level stress, how to survive A-Level, A-levels Malaysia, what I wish I knew before sixth form, alevel chemistry, alevel physics, alevel mathematics, what subjects to take in alevels, why you should not take alevels, alevel study tips, how to study smarter not harder, how to be a top student, Cambridge A-level results reaction, A*s at A-Level


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