Ultimate AGLAONEMA (Chinese Evergreen) CARE Guide — Ep 207

Описание к видео Ultimate AGLAONEMA (Chinese Evergreen) CARE Guide — Ep 207

This Aglaonema Care video is brought to you by one of my newest sponsors—Squarespace. So appropriate because three of my websites: houseplantmasterclass.com, homesteadbrooklyn.com, and summerrayne.net are all built on the platform! Hit up squarespace.com/SUMMERRAYNE for 10% off your first order with them.

I can't say enough about Aglaonema, which is also known as Chinese Evergreen. It's an often overlooked plant because it's so ubiquitous, but it's one of those great plants for beginners and more refined houseplant owners alike. I share more natural history notes, care tips, and more in this video.

00:00 - Aglaonema Introduction
01:00 - Unique Aglaonema cultivars and species
01:45 - Distribution
02:19 - Why are Aglaonema expensive?
02:44 - Aglaonema color patterns, morphology and blooms
06:05 - Aglaonema (Chinese evergreen) lighting
07:39 - Temperature for Aglaonema
08:30 - Humidity
09:19 - Watering and Potting Medium
10:12 - Fertilizing
11:10 - Deficiency
11:30 - Propagation of Aglaonema
13:30 - Common problems with Aglaonema
15:00 - Conclusion + Shout Out


"Plant One On Me" is a channel produced by Summer Rayne Oakes of Homestead Brooklyn that is primarily focused on houseplants and outdoor gardening. Our mission with the channel is to bring people closer to plants by bringing plants closer to them through engaging, entertaining, and educational content.

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