Try To Do Nitnem And Exercise Every Morning | Katha | Bhai Pinderpal Singh Ji | 2023 | Fresno, CA

Описание к видео Try To Do Nitnem And Exercise Every Morning | Katha | Bhai Pinderpal Singh Ji | 2023 | Fresno, CA

Regular Nitnem and regular exercise are two important aspects of leading a happy and healthy life. While daily Nitnem will keep you soul cleansed and daily work out or excercise will keep you body fit, which will eventually help you with better concentration not only while doing meditation/Nitnem but also in you day to day activities as well. Please listen to this amazing katha by Bhai Pinderpal Singh Ji. Sangat ji, if you like these videos then please feel free to share and subscribe for more such videos. WaheGuru Ji !!

-Raj Karega Khalsa Team


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