Action Fiction! "False Knight" by Benjamin Wachs, performed by S Renauer, J Cross, and B Wachs

Описание к видео Action Fiction! "False Knight" by Benjamin Wachs, performed by S Renauer, J Cross, and B Wachs

Just over a year ago we invited an extraordinary group of writers and actors together to make something magical happen. The result was five packed shows, in three amazing venues, over 12 months. This time, we celebrated by kicking it up a notch.

On Thursday, March 14, Action Fiction! rode again, with a show that felt like thunder and lightning. Haunting Irish chants, Russian songs of love, synchronized swimming without a pool? Check check check. Also, there was cake. CAKE! Cake, literature, free wine, acting - all curated by the twisted minds behind Omnibucket, Fiction365, and the San Francisco Writer's Community.

Thanks to all the performers, writers, and an extraordinary audience for making this our most successful Action Fiction! yet. There are six videos for six performances. Sorry, we didn't video the cake. Our bad.

Stories, Featured writers and performers:
"The False Knight Upon the Road," by Benjamin Wachs, performed by Sara Renauer, Jimmey Cross, and Benjamin Wachs
"Owl Tree," by Ian Tuttle, performed by Gillian Eichenberger and Robert Thomas
"The Goldfish's Memory," by Katrin Arefy, performed by Jen Terry
"Argentina Love," by Zarina Zabrisky, performed by Dana Jakobson and Meghan Rutigliano
"Wrestler," by Shruti Swamy, performed by Anthony Villafuete
"Soloist," by Julia Halprin Jackson, performed by Gray

Special thanks to Orin Zebest for videography!

Where & When:
Thursday, March 14, 7-9pm.
Chez Poulet, 3359 Cesar Chavez Street @ Mission (
We always start on time.
This event is free of charge.
... for the first year anniversary of Action Fiction!

Action Fiction! is a new live performance series where local actors perform original short fiction by the best local writers -- turning literature into performance!

But why?
Let's admit it: great writers are not always great performers. Great writing should be as passionate and engaging when read publicly as it is on the page. Readings should feel like war and love happening in front of you, not a museum exhibit. The Omnibucket Performance Academy believes that by providing compelling performances of original voices in extraordinary settings will create an aesthetic experience unlike any currently offered in San Francisco.

For years the Chez Poulet has been a home of underground events in San Francisco, and the local home for a range of traveling artists from around the world. A converted warehouse that hosts epic parties, gallery exhibitions, live events ranging from concerts to puppet shows, and even a radio station, it is a center of innovative performance.

presented by The Omnibucket Performance Academy - where readings become performances - a partnership between Omnibucket,,, and Madlab Theatre.

More at


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