Bogner Ecstasy 101A Anniversary Detailed Playthrough

Описание к видео Bogner Ecstasy 101A Anniversary Detailed Playthrough

Hello. Here is not really quick but very detailed playthrough of my Bogner Ecstasy 101A 20th Aniversary.
Some time ago I recorded similar demo of Early 90's 101B, but this Anniversary is definitely different amp. To me it's more vintage and sweet sounding. Being Bogner, I think this amp is as eccentric as Reinhold Bogner Himself, the sound is unmistakable, very alive, open, and just very fun to play. In the beginning I had hard time to dial amp, but 10 minutes of reading manual helped me a lot.

Basically Ecstasy can sound like anything, controls are a bit overwhelming at first glance, therefore I went through all knobs, and some sound examples. it's quite long video but I have timecodes attached, so you can go to interested part.

Throughout whole video I played Gibson Les Paul 1959 Reissue with Throback DW102 PAF pickups, Bogner 4x12 Cab with Greenbacks, Royer R121 and AKG C414 mics. There is also Eventide Eclipse that gave a bit of plate reverb, and delay that was added later in mix, so it does not load down fx loop of the amp, that was disengaged during recoding


00:00 Talking and introduction

01:28 Channel 1, Bright 1, Boost Off
02:05 Channel 1, Bright 2 Engaged
03:30 Channel 1, Turning on Boost
04:02 Channel 1, Adding a bit more gain
04:14 Channel 1, Maximum Gain with boost ON
05:15 Channel 1, Brightness is set to Normal
06:51 Channel 1, Back to Bright 2, Unboosted Clean Sound

08:01 Channel 2, Unboosted, Max Gain
08:57 Channel 2, Switching from Vintage to Modern Structure
09:35 Channel 2, Switching to Bright 1
09:44 Channel 2, Back to Vintage Mode
10:20 Channel 2, Changing Excursion(Low End) from Loose to Medium

11:05 Channel 2, Plexi Mode
11:05 Channel 2, Plexi Mode, Bright 2
11:23 Channel 2, Plexi Mode, Normal
11:23 Channel 2, Plexi Mode, Excursion is back to Loose
12:12 Channel 2, Plexi Mode
, Boost ON

12:58 Channel 2, Tight Settings
13:19 Channel 2, Medium Excursion
13:30 Channel 2, Medium Excursion Boost is OFF

14:02 Channel 3, Boost OFF
14:45 Channel 3, Adding More Gain for Sustain
15:26 Channel 3, Max Gain
15:58 Channel 3, Bright 2
16:16 Channel 3, Boost ON
16:27 Channel 3, Structure set to Modern
16:36 Channel 3, Tweaking Volume knob on Guitar
15:53 Channel 3, Normal Brightness

17:33 Channel 3, Vintage Structure, some Rhythm Playing
18:03 Channel 3, Boost OFF, Vintage Structure, some Rhythm Playing
18:22 Channel 3, Plexi Mode
18:22 Channel 3, Plexi Mode, Gain on Max
19:06 Channel 3, Plexi Mode, Tweaking Presence

20:05 Let's A/B Red and Blue Channel, Red is still Plexi, Though


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