Gurudev Siyag's speech on Spiritual Evolution by Kundalini Awakening 24 Nov' 2005

Описание к видео Gurudev Siyag's speech on Spiritual Evolution by Kundalini Awakening 24 Nov' 2005

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▷ About this video (इस वीडियो के बारे में):
→ Spiritual Evolution by Holistic Healing

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ⓘ About Kundalini:
Kundalini, the universal divine energy, is present in every human being in a dormant state at the base of the spinal column. It can be awakened only by the grace of a Siddha Guru.
→ Once awakened, it starts rising up to reach → 'Sahasrara' where the Supreme Power resides. → → During this upward journey, it clears all the blockages which are present due to past life Karmas and brings harmony in the body, mind and spirit.
→ It travels through 'Sushmna' channel and pierces through all the 'Chakras and 'Granthis'.

Learn More →
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ⓘ About Ajapa' Jap:
The silent repetition of the mantra is called 'Jap'. After continuous chanting of the mantra for over a fortnight or a month, the disciple doesn’t have to make an effort to chant; the chanting happens automatically on its own whether he/she is awake or sleeping.
→ This state is known as 'Ajapa' Jap (roughly translated as involuntary chanting).
→ When chanting of Mantra is accompanied by regular meditation, it slowly unleashes a wave of Ananda (bliss), which is so soothing that the disciple feels he/she is on a high, and doesn’t want to come out of it.
→ Indian saints have described this state of Ananda as pure bliss. The Ananda brought on by the Mantra and meditation is incomparable to the calming effect of any addictive thing. It doesn’t depend on any external inducement and lasts forever.
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ⓘ About Gurudev Siyag Siddha Yoga (GSSY):
Gurudev Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag is an empowered Siddha Guru who has been giving 'Shaktipat Deeksha' by Sanjeevani mantra for more than last 30 years.
His disciples have been cured of:
→ incurable diseases,
→ mental problems,
→ addictions, and
→ have experienced joy and divine bliss by chanting this mantra.

'Sanjeevani Mantra' is life giving. By chanting it regularly, all kinds of diseases are cured, person becomes free from addictions and stress and the life is transformed forever.

The silent repetition of the mantra is called 'Naam Jap'. After continuous chanting of the mantra for over a fortnight or a month, the disciple doesn’t have to make an effort to chant; the chanting happens automatically on its own whether he/she is awake or sleeping. This state is known as 'Ajapa jaap' (roughly translated as involuntary chanting).

When chanting of the mantra is accompanied by regular meditation, it slowly unleashes a wave of Ananda (bliss), which is so soothing that the disciple feels he/she is on a high, and doesn’t want to come out of it. Indian saints have described this state of 'Ananda' as pure bliss.

→ This is totally 'Free of Cost' and requires no change in lifestyle or food habits.

-- Hindi Translation --
( हिंदी अनुवाद )
गुरुदेव सियाग सिद्धयोग, मंत्र जप व ध्यान पर आधारित एक अद्भुत योग है। यह योग (सिद्धयोग) नाथमत के योगियों की देन है। समर्थ सद्गुरुदेव श्री रामलाल जी सियाग पिछले 30 वर्षों से भी अधिक समय से शक्तिपात दीक्षा द्वारा साधकों की कुण्डलिनी जाग्रत कर रहे हैं।

गुरुदेव के दिए संजीवनी मंत्र का जाप और सुबह-शाम ध्यान करने से सभी प्रकार के रोगों एवं नशों से सहज में मुक्ति मिल जाती है। मंत्र का लगातार जाप करने पर वह ‘अजपा’ हो जाता है जिससे साधक को असीम आनन्द व शांति मिलती है तथा साधक जीवन मुक्त हो जाता है।

गुरुदेव सियाग के चित्र पर ध्यान करने से साधक को उसके शरीर की आवश्यकता के अनुसार ध्यान के समय यौगिक क्रियाएँ स्वतः होने लगती हैं। इससे साधक सभी प्रकार के शारीरिक व मानसिक रोगों एवं नशों से मुक्त हो जाता है। नियमित साधना करने पर साधक की वृत्तियों में बदलाव आने से वह असीम शांति और आनन्द का अनुभव करता है।

→ यह पूर्णतः निःशुल्क है।

#Gurudevsiyagsiddhayoga #Gurudevsiyag #Gurusiyag #Gurusiyagyoga #Gurusiyagmantra #Gururamlalji #Siyagyoga #GSSY #avskjodhpur #Meditation #Siddhayoga #Sanjeevanimantra #Gurumantra #Kundaliniawakening #Meditationwith #Kundalinijagran #kundalini #yogickriya #mukti #moksha #nashesemukti #Spirituality #Sadguru #Sadhguru #सिद्धयोग #कुण्डलिनी #योग #ध्यान #गुरुसियाग #गुरुदेवसियाग #सद्गुरु #यौगिकक्रिया #मुक्ति #मोक्ष #सत्गुरु #संजीवनीमंत्र #मुक्तिमंत्र #ध्यान

Symbols used:
▷ : About this video (इस वीडियो के बारे में)
ⓘ : Information about topic (विषय के बारे में जानकारी)
→ : Important points to note (ध्यान देने योग्य कुछ बातें)
❂ : Information of highest significance (उच्चतम महत्व की जानकारी)
- - - - : Separator (सेपरेटर)

Copyright: This is a copyright material of Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra, Jodhpur. You are requested not to use this video in any which way without the permission of the organization. The organization may take lawful action against the violators.


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