[ENG]《哈哈台地區的街訪》上班時間的「信義區」閒人(上)。People in Xinyi district, Taiwan Taipei (Part 1) 🎤|哈哈台

Описание к видео [ENG]《哈哈台地區的街訪》上班時間的「信義區」閒人(上)。People in Xinyi district, Taiwan Taipei (Part 1) 🎤|哈哈台

信義區這次訪了超 級 多,剪成上下集讓你們一次看個夠啦!

信義區下集 ►    • [ENG]《哈哈台地區的街訪》上班時間的「信義區」閒人(上)。People...  
中秋節豬肉攤阿伯禮物 ►    • 哈哈台30萬訂閱QA,幕後團隊答起來🎤最後中秋節送信義區豬肉攤阿伯禮盒!|哈哈台  

Xinyi District of Taipei City. Superb, superior, and supreme. The famous Xinyi Business District is known as the Manhattan of Taipei. It hosts innumerable companies of jaw-dropping sizes and value. A luxury condo in a crooked building worths billions of dollars. Taipei City Hall, Taipei 101. Taipei World Trade Center. Xiangshan (Elephant Mountain). And the chilled Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. In an area of half a square kilometer, there are 14 department stores and malls, such as Breeze Nan Shan and Bellavita. These are the places socialites go to. Today, let HahaTai’s street interview show you who we found during the daytime in Xinyi District.

Xinyi district Part 2 ►    • [ENG]《哈哈台地區的街訪》上班時間的「信義區」閒人(上)。People...  
Butcher uncle special ►    • 哈哈台30萬訂閱QA,幕後團隊答起來🎤最後中秋節送信義區豬肉攤阿伯禮盒!|哈哈台  

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其他閒人週邊 好玩又實用
► https://hahatai.pse.is/hahashoppingmall

【傳送門 Chapter】
00:00 信義區介紹 Xinyi district intro
00:35 吳興街豬肉攤阿伯 Wuxing street is dead.
02:09 巧遇比比內內 BibiNene
02:54 五分埔愛唱歌的姐弟 Wufenpu singing kids
03:29 保養得宜的韭菜盒大姊 Well-preserved leek Dumplings aunty
04:20 撿蚵仔阿姨沒有要放過我們 Oyster grandma asking for payment
05:05 下集預告:信義區下集 Xinyi part 2

#哈哈台 #哈哈台街訪 #信義區

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