A Love Affair - Cary Grant and Randolph Scott

Описание к видео A Love Affair - Cary Grant and Randolph Scott

Cary Grant's 'friendship' with the devastatingly handsome Randolph Scott was remarkably open and fairly candid in the dangerously oppressed 1930s.There were several photo shoots for the fan magazines of the two 'merry bachelors,' who for several years shared a beach house in Santa Monica, as well as a mansion in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles, which was commonly referred to in the press as 'Bachelor Hall,' both before, during, and after their seven marriages to women they had seven between them. The photos used in this video, are just a few of the many that exist, where it so perfectly clear that they were much more than just 'roommates.' It's obvious that they shared a great love and were just about the most physically gorgeous couple in Hollywood history." Produced by Mauricio Gerson and Jimmy Baker.


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