Lightning-Proof Planes: Boeing's Revolutionary Conductive Mesh in Carbon Composites

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In partnership with ‪@Boeing‬.

Carbon composites have revolutionized the aerospace industry with their remarkable properties. One of the challenges faced, however, is their limited conductivity compared to metals. This led to a critical question: How to safeguard aircraft from lightning strikes?

The solution was ingenious. Engineers integrated a mesh made of conductive fibers within the layers of carbon composites. Though imperceptible to the naked eye, this mesh plays a pivotal role. When lightning strikes, instead of the electrical energy coursing through the material and potentially causing harm, it is safely directed away by this embedded mesh. This innovative approach ensures the structural integrity of the aircraft remains intact.

Stephen Henning, a seasoned engineer at Boeing with extensive experience in the aerospace field, commented on this breakthrough: “The incorporation of a conductive mesh within carbon composites exemplifies our commitment to innovation and the safety of passengers. Extensive testing has shown that our aircraft can effectively withstand lightning strikes, often as effectively if not more so than traditional metal-skinned aircraft.

So, the next time you find yourself on a flight and witness a flash of lightning illuminating the sky, take a moment to appreciate the remarkable engineering that goes into ensuring your safety. As Stephen aptly states, “With this design, lightning remains a breathtaking display of nature, rather than a threat.

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