Fritz Wunderlich - Death

Описание к видео Fritz Wunderlich - Death

Ethratian 1 year ago (edited)
My english is not very good but I hope you'll be satisfied:


Narrator: Befor his departure to America Wunderlich wanted to relax for some days. He went to friends in Upper Swabia with whom he had gone hunting before. With them was Peter Krager, who noticed the stress which weigh heavily on Wunderlich.


Krager: To go seemed like he (Wunderlich) wanted to put it (his employment at the MET) aside yet. "Let's go hunting once again..." (jaage = go hunting in Palatine) said Wunderlich, "Let's go hunting with our friends!".


Narrator: To switch off with friends...


Krager: He was so pleased...He sat beside me...(Krager begins to tear up)...put his arm around me and said "Well, Peter, tomorrow will be a good day to hunt. You'll see it's going to be wonderful! I'll go over, you know I'll go to Heinz Blanks house in Dertingen, but before I'll sing some nice song for you. What do you want me to sing?" I said "Well, Fritz, just some Lönslied (songs by Hermann Löns)." and he sang "Rosemarie" (Krager begins to tear up again).


Krager: After that he left immediately. I think he had most (of his baggage) in the other house, and he went to the other house...that's when we saw each other for the last time (begins to tear up again).


Eva Wunderlich: He (Fritz Wunderlich) called everytime before he was going to go bed. We talked for about a quarter of an hour and he said he's really tired because he had gone swimming that day and they had played ping pong and had gone to the wood. They wanted to wake up at 4:00 AM the next day, to go hunting, and he would go downstairs to go to sleep. And then he went off and would have to had opened his shoes and not closed them again.


Narrator: Wunderlich (Fritz) suffered from a skull fracture. They took him to the hospital.


Eva Wunderlich: From the moment I saw him laying there unconscious I got a feeling that this was not him anymore, just his body. And...I thought "He shall be well now, I mustn't hold him back, I must give him good thoughts on the way (to the other side)."


Narrator: One day after the accident Wunderlich (Fritz) dies of the aftermath of his injuries. What remains is much more than an extraordinary voice.


Thomas Hampson: What a unique gathering of gift/talent, love of life, energy and ambition his (Fritz Wunderlichs) life had been...and everybody, regardless of being tenor or not, has to deal with saying "Well, there (where Fritz Wunderlich went) is where we shall go!", this has to be said!


Narrator: Fritz Wunderlich draw his power from music and lived for it. Until today he has lost nothing of his fascination (in the background you can hear "An die Musik" from Franz Schubert).


Eva Wunderlich: He had a fulfilled disappointments and was happy in his art.


Narrator: Fritz Wunderlich lives on: In his music and in the hearts of men.
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