deja vu | Gacha Club Music Video | FluffyPuff YT

Описание к видео deja vu | Gacha Club Music Video | FluffyPuff YT

Hi everyone! This is Sophie, back to upload this one year old video XD I've been away from YouTube and my channel for so long and I don't know how to revive this honestly. I may upload and create videos rarely but whenever I get my free time. I'll see you guys anyway!

I hope you enjoyed watching this video and I'll see you guys in the next one 😉

[ Summary ]
A story of ex-lovers having their past reused with another girl and see how everything happens all over again. Deja vu means a feeling of having already experienced the present situation. Does the past haunt Kayden with her memories with Alexa? Why reuse every memory with Alice?

💫 Cast

💫 Music used in this video
Olivia Rodrigo - deja vu
   • Olivia Rodrigo - deja vu (Official Vi...  

💫 Props and items we're found in Pinterest

#gcmv #gachaclub #gacha #dejavu


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