Hino 248 - CCB/ CCUS - Glória! Aleluia! Sinto Jesus - Inglês

Описание к видео Hino 248 - CCB/ CCUS - Glória! Aleluia! Sinto Jesus - Inglês

248. Glory to Jesus! I feel His love

1. Glory to Jesus! I feel His love.
Safely He guides me with light from above.
His arm upholds me, my help is He.
Faithful Defender, He is to me.

Oh, alleluia! Jesus I’ll see;
There in the heavens, with Him I’ll be.
A holy body, to me He’ll give;
In heaven’s splendor, with Him I’ll live.

2. Oh, alleluia! Our Lord above
Is three times holy, and great in His love!
Safe in His power, sheltered I live;
Over all evil, vict’ry He’ll give.

3. Glory to Jesus, my Lord above!
I want to serve Him with fervor and love.
There in the heavens, glory I’ll see.
And with the faithful, blest I shall be.


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