निज़ारी इस्माइली मुस्लिम कौन होते हैं? Who is Ismaili Nizari Muslim? Agha Khani || Noore hadees

Описание к видео निज़ारी इस्माइली मुस्लिम कौन होते हैं? Who is Ismaili Nizari Muslim? Agha Khani || Noore hadees

Dear friends,
Today we will tell you some hidden secret of Shia community Sect Nizari Muslim (Agha Khani) Or Ismaili Nizari Muslim What is their history, when was this sect formed and who created it and what are the religious beliefs of these people, we will tell you everything, so you must watch this informative video completely and share it with your friends.

#noorehadees #history #Ismailisect

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