Luigi's Mansion Daredevil Challenge Area 1

Описание к видео Luigi's Mansion Daredevil Challenge Area 1

Hello Everyone,

First off, I want to apologize for the very long hiatus of about a year and a month. I am sorry. I had stopped on my previous playthrough of Luigi's Mansion Plus due to a corrupted save file in Dolphin. That made me lose a lot of motivation to continue from the start and make things difficult as I had uploaded most of the gameplay. On top of other problems and debacles of real life, it just made me not think of the channel much. But I knew in 2020, I wanted to return somehow with something big. Which led to the creation of this challenge I like to call Luigi's Mansion Dare devil run.

In this challenge, It is exactly inspired and based on the daredevil comet levels Super Mario Galaxy. Except this time, It's the entirety of Luigi's Mansion with just one single hp! That's right. Anything can ruin the Area of progress. That includes any attack by ghosts, a wrong turn while sucking up a ghost, obstacles in the mansion, bumping into a boo, and even just touching a singular mouse or bat. Very unforgiving.

I decided that I would challenge myself by doing each area separately but the entire area in one go with 1hp as I thought doing the entire game in one sitting was cause multiple heart attacks and induce extreme stress. This challenge was already stressful as is. I also wanted to challenge myself extra by not only clearing every room of the mansion but also to get as much treasure as possible and get an A rank. That includes every boo.

I hope you guy's enjoy this challenge series and I really hope I can get back to a semi groove with videos and hopefully think of more challenge ideas haha. Thank you so much for watching!


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