Easy origami bird - hummingbird - How to make a paper Bird

Описание к видео Easy origami bird - hummingbird - How to make a paper Bird

Easy origami bird - hummingbird - How to make a paper Bird

Do you love origami, paper craft and DIY? Well, this origami paper channel is for you! Here you can find origami video tutorials for every age, origami for kids to do with their parents. You can find different difficulty levels: very easy origami, simple origami, easy origami, medium origami and hard origami.
Origami is the japanese art of paper folding, so if you love Japan you’d love origami as well :)


We’ve extended our passion for origami beyond paper craft, if you like anything related to origami check out our TeeSpring page for awesome origami related designs: https://teespring.com/stores/origami-...
We’re working hard to constantly create new content for every origami lover: T-shirts, Hoodies, Baby onesies, Mugs, Phone cases, Pillows, Bags, Beach towels and a lot more.

This very easy origami red hummingbird, is a great origami design for those who love folding origami birds and origami flowers.
This very cute type of origami bird loves to eat flower nectar flying still in mid-air.

Questo facile origami colibrì, è un ottimo design origami per coloro che amano uccelli origami e fiori origami.

Este colibrí de origami muy fácil, es un gran diseño de origami para aquellos que aman pájaros de origami plegables y flores de origami.

Ce colibri en origami très facile est un excellent design d'origami pour ceux qui aiment plier des oiseaux en origami et des fleurs en origami.

Dieser sehr einfache Origami-Kolibri ist ein großartiger Origami-Entwurf für diejenigen, die es lieben, Origami-Vögel und Origami-Blumen zu falten.

Эта очень легкая оригами колибри - отличный дизайн для тех, кто любит складывать оригами птиц и цветы оригами.



هذا الطائر الطنان الورقي سهل للغاية ، تصميم اوريغامي رائع لأولئك الذين يحبون طي الطيور
الورقية وزهور الأوريغامي.

यह बहुत आसान ओरिगामी हमिंगबर्ड है, जो ओरिगामी पक्षी और ओरिगामी फूल से प्यार करते हैं, उनके लिए एक महान ओरिगामी डिजाइन है।


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