Twentieth Century Sporting Art galleries at Palace House National Horseracing Museum

Описание к видео Twentieth Century Sporting Art galleries at Palace House National Horseracing Museum

May 25th :2:00pm

Katherine Field (BSAT Packard Curator)

Twentieth Century Sporting Art galleries at Palace House National Horseracing Museum

Katherine Field is the BSAT Curator. She has masterminded a complete redisplay of the top floor of Palace House at National Horseracing Museum in Newmarket, creating four galleries dedicated to twentieth century sporting art.

The largest gallery gives space to the BSAT collection of paintings by Sir Alfred Munnings which with the addition of loans from The Munnings Art Museum and private collectors gives an introduction to the artists work. The display also reflects on Munnings' love of Horseracing and Newmarket. Another gallery focuses on images of twentieth century country pursuits and includes works by Lionel Edwards, Cecil Aldin and and a new acquisition by Gilbert Holliday. The final room showcases the BSAT rarely seen collection of John Skeaping drawings and pastels. Skeaping's sculptures can also be found across the Museum site and within Newmarket. The talk will be an excellent introduction to the new displays and an opportunity to ask questions.


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