Analysis is Everywhere - Fabricio Laguna

Описание к видео Analysis is Everywhere - Fabricio Laguna

Fabricio Laguna's Wisdom on Business Analysis 💼

Fabricio shared an inspiring story about his grandfather’s philosophy on sales and how it applies to business analysis. Through a lively tale about a horse sale, Fabricio emphasized that we're all "selling" something, whether it’s a product, a service, or a transformative idea. He underscored the importance of understanding context and needs and crafting solutions that lead to lasting change.

He also illustrated the difference between two types of managers: process- and analysis-driven. By playfully involving audience members, he showed how thoughtful analysis leads to better decisions, adaptability, and sustainable results. Fabricio challenged everyone to think beyond agile methods, calling for a “nimble” mindset that quickly assesses and responds to change.

He concluded with three simple moves to capture the essence of business analysis: current state, future state, and bridging the gap. Through interactive dance moves, he left the audience equipped to become true change leaders!

📅 Save the date and prepare for more actionable insights next year, September 17–19th, 2025!

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