F-One Swing V3 Review

Описание к видео F-One Swing V3 Review

This is our review of the F-One Swing V3.
We test it's performance on the water, analyse the changes from the 2022 wing and highlight who it is for and what it does well.

Equipment used in the review:
5.5M F-One Swing
Swift Foiling NG 80L board
Axis HM Carbon Mast, Crazy Short Advance Fuselage, HPS 930 & 1050 foil, Progressive 350 Stabilizer

Please show your appreciation for https://thewatersportscentre.com/ who kindly lent me a 5.5M Swing V3 in order to be able to do this review.
Also checkout their instagram   / thewatersportscentre  


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