EMERGENCY CARE 🚨|| Intramuscular Injection of TXA in Bleeding Trauma Patients

Описание к видео EMERGENCY CARE 🚨|| Intramuscular Injection of TXA in Bleeding Trauma Patients

An intravenous injection of tranexamic acid (#TXA) can be life-saving after injury or childbirth but it has to be given rapidly for maximal effect. According to a new study from the Trauma Intact Trial, coordinated by the Clinical Trials Unit at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, TXA can now be given by a simple injection at the scene of the injury.

The trial found that intramuscular TXA is well tolerated with only mild and transient injection site reactions. Importantly, TXA was rapidly absorbed from muscle reaching the levels needed to save lives within 15 minutes even in the sickest patients.

Where to next:
🚨 For more information on TXA: http://www.txacentral.org/
🚨 Read the full Trauma Intact Trial published by British Journal of Anaesthesia: bit.ly/33axvaz
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Based within The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the largest school of public health in Europe, LSHTM-Clinical Trials Unit has a global network of collaborators from over 50 countries with an international reputation for clinical trials, especially in the area of cardiovascular disease, trauma, and emergency care, and maternal health. We value working with patients and the public and they are at the centre of our research activities.

The Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) is a world-renowned centre of excellence in the design, conduct, analysis, and reporting of clinical trials and a fully registered unit with the UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC). The CTU is based within the Department of Population Health. It has a strong focus on clinical trial methodology, including methods for data monitoring, trial reporting, adaptive designs, non-inferiority trials, surrogate endpoints, the multiplicity of data (eg subgroup analyses, composite endpoints, repeated measures) and methods for systematic reviews, and also conducts qualitative research into the views of trial participants. We bring to these processes extensive knowledge and practical experience of trial coordination, gained from holding a respected position within the clinical scientific community. To date, this has led to successful collaborations in many clinical fields, including cardiology, emergency care, adult and neonatal respiratory failure, liver disease, and reproductive health.

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