Jet Kave Adventure Review

Описание к видео Jet Kave Adventure Review

Jet Kave Adventure from 7Levels is a new Nintendo Switch / Nintendo Switch Lite exclusive indie game that feels like a Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze sequel!

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Nintendo Switch Lite:

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👉 Game Description:
Jet Kave Adventure brings everything you love about 2.5D platformers. Enjoy the skill-based action, challenging boss fights, clever secrets and thrilling set-pieces in a game where the Stone Age and science fiction collide.

My Social Media!
👉 TWITTER:   / luis_gvn  
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👉 EMAIL: Luis(at)
👉 EPIC Creator Code: Alamillaluis

My Usernames!
👉Nintendo Switch: 1621-4499-0121
👉Wii U: Luis-GVN
👉3DS: 0473-7775-6576
👉PS4/PS3/Vita: Luismacintosh
👉Xbox One: Luismacintosh
👉Steam: Luismacintosh

About Me
Hello! My name is Luis Alamilla, I'm an independent video game reviewer with a passion for everything gaming. Here you'll find my thoughts on the latest video games coming to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and beyond! My content ranges from video game reviews, game previews, opinion pieces on gaming topics and more! If you enjoy the content then be sure to share it and subscribe for more videos on a weekly basis!

My reviews are based on a 20 point scale ranging from 0 to 10. Each review is broken up into five categories consisting of Story, Gameplay, Visuals, Audio Design and the Conclusion at the end. Each section is meant to dive into my thoughts on the different aspects of a game before giving it a final score.

#jetkaveadventure #nintendoswitch #nintendoswitchlite


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