Season's greetings from our friends at Barnacle Foods!

Описание к видео Season's greetings from our friends at Barnacle Foods!

Barnacle Foods is the first food business to create products with bull kelp, including salsa, pickles, and seasonings, which celebrate local ingredients and invite customers into what makes Alaska magical. In 2016, founders Lia Heifetz and Matt Kern won the Path to Prosperity business competition run by Spruce Root, the Southeast Alaska community development organization that launched in 2012 with seed money from Sealaska.

In April of this year, Sealaska formed a partnership with Barnacle Foods to continue building a business portfolio that aligns with the twin goals of economic prosperity. Sealaska’s investment will enable Barnacle to grow, expand its impact and, its founders hope, ultimately become a household name and staple in pantries and kitchens everywhere—all while cherishing Southeast Alaska’s beauty and bounty and improving health for people and the planet.

Just over six months after this partnership was formed, Sealaska announced an unprecedented alliance with New England Seafood International (NESI), a respected, London-based supplier of fresh and frozen premium sustainable fish and seafood to retailers and leading food-service brands. This partnership of two market leaders from different corners of the world creates an international business that builds on shared, long-standing commitments to fostering a thriving planet. We are proud of our demonstrated commitment to ocean health and excited to continue to deliver on our promise of becoming a global leader in sustainable business practices.

Check out this behind-the-scenes look at how we are working together to set a positive trajectory for our people and planet.


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