Hopping to Strengthen Bones

Описание к видео Hopping to Strengthen Bones

Dr. Brown talks about exercises that will help to build the strength of the hips and prevent hip fractures. The more you use bone the stronger it grows, and impact exercises such as the ones shown in this video will increase bone strength.

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hi this is dr. Susan brown director of
the center for better bones today I want
to talk to you about a really great type
of exercise that will help to build the
strength of the hips and prevent hip
fractures bone is very much like muscle
in that the more you use it the stronger
it grows the case with bone and hip bone
in particular is that we like impact
exercises that put a little extra stress
send a message to the bone you need to
grow stronger for example if I walk
that's one sort of impact but if I stop
or or better yet if I hop that's a much
greater impact and today we're going to
talk about hopping hopping is an
excellent way to stimulate the growth of
the hip bone the strength of the hip
bone now hopping is not for everyone
because some people have knee injuries
leg injuries foot injuries but if you
can hop and you enjoy it I'm gonna give
you suggestions some suggestions first
off if we do happen for example on two
legs the higher up we go the more impact
we have and we come down the more force
we have for building going if you say
well I can't really that's uncomfortable
that kind of hopping then we might say
stomping marching like they do in the
military that gives a nice impact and
some people like to do heel drops where
you go up on your toes and down on your
heels now you can go up and down very
gently like that or you can go up and
drop down that's a nice impact up drop
down up down that is a very nice impact
also for building bone the most potent
happing exercises for building bone
strength particularly hip bone strength
our exercises that involve one-legged
hopping and that's because we put the
whole weight of the body on one leg and
we have that extra those extra g-forces
when we jump up and come down in fact a
very interesting European study took 70
year old men they had them hop 50 times
a day on one leg and it took a few
months to work up to doing that 50 times
a day they didn't just jump into him and
they had the men happen different
like I'm going to show you and they
found that in various different parts of
the hip bone joint they gained strength
it's interesting to note with this
hopping exercise the bone density didn't
change a lot but when they were able to
do a 3d image of bone strength they saw
that bone strength increased and what
they did in this study was one-legged
happening like this they hopped in one
direction then they happen in another
direction then they happened in the
other direction and then the other
direction and of course the higher up
your hop the better impact you're gonna
get so you might remember hopscotching
as a kid if you like that get the kids
out and try it
hopping is what we're talking about
one-legged happening is the supreme two
legged hopping just simple hopscotching
all of that so a lot of fun so let us
know try some hopping if you can do it
don't hurt yourself but have fun if you
can do it let me know how it goes
this is


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