Static Electricity Detector - Can Sense a Hairbrush From 2 Meters [DIY]

Описание к видео Static Electricity Detector - Can Sense a Hairbrush From 2 Meters [DIY]

How to make a simple static electricity sensor using transistors.
This device has a simple circuit.
For building this device you will need:
1. J310 (N-channel JFET)
2. BC547B (NPN bipolar transistor)
3. 10K resistor (you can use 4.7K-22K)
4. Active Buzzer 12V
5. LED
6. 12V power source

If you want to use only an LED without a buzzer then connect 1K resistor instead of a buzzer. Also, you can do the opposite, you can use only a buzzer without LED.

Just brush your hair and bring the hairbrush to this device, it will sense it.

Any question? then ask in the comments below.


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