Salsa Dance class (6) 中華老人服務協會Salsa騒沙舞蹈班

Описание к видео Salsa Dance class (6) 中華老人服務協會Salsa騒沙舞蹈班

中華老人服務協Salsa舞蹈班: 由趙祚崙Salsa舞蹈老師義務教導。Salsa Dancing (騒沙舞)起源於1920 年代的古巴,融合了許多加勒比海音樂和舞蹈風格,例如非洲古巴倫巴舞。隨著人們搬到不同的地方並融入新的文化,騒沙舞隨著時間的推移而不斷發展。如今一些流行的風格包括洛杉磯風格(On 1),紐約風格(On 2)。騒沙舞步可以單獨完成,但騒沙舞最廣為人知的是男女雙人舞蹈,其中領舞者帶領跟隨者完成一系列旋轉並隨著音樂轉動模式。騒沙舞的節奏範圍從大約 150bpm(每分鐘節拍)到大約 250bpm,儘管大多數舞蹈都是隨著音樂在 160 到 220bpm 之間進行的。基本的騒沙舞蹈節奏包括每四個音樂節拍三步,騒沙舞者也可以分開獨舞,稱為 ”Shine”
Salsa dance class: Taught by Salsa dance teacher Zhao Zuolun on a voluntary basis. Salsa Dancing originated in Cuba in the 1920s and incorporates many Caribbean music and dance styles, such as Afro-Cuban rumba. Husha dance has evolved over time as people moved to different places and assimilated into new cultures. Some popular styles today include Los Angeles style (On 1), New York style (On 2). The steps of the Hsha dance can be performed individually, but the Hsha dance is most commonly known as a male-female duo dance, in which the lead dancer leads the follower through a series of rotations and turning patterns to the music. The tempo of the Hasha dance ranges from about 150bpm (beats per minute) to about 250bpm, although most dances are performed to music between 160 and 220bpm. The basic Hesha dance rhythm consists of three steps for every four musical beats. Hesha dancers can also dance separately and solo, which is called "Shine"


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