Blitzen - Benz : Conquering the Speed Limits of 1909

Описание к видео Blitzen - Benz : Conquering the Speed Limits of 1909

Join us on an adrenaline-fueled journey back to 1909, where the "Blitzen-Benz" emerges as the fastest car in the world, breaking the magical 200 km/h barrier at the historic Brooklands race track. In this episode of the Mercedes-Benz Museum series, we delve into the awe-inspiring details of the arrow-shaped powerhouse, showcased in room Mythos 7 - Silver Arrows, races, and records.

Witness the innovative design that made the Blitzen-Benz not just a car but a symbol of power and speed. Its four-cylinder engine, with a 21.5-liter displacement and 147 kW (200 hp), propelled it to new heights, setting a world speed record for road vehicles. This legend, born out of the competition between Benz & Cie. and Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft, became a beacon of success and innovation, rescuing Benz from the brink of losing market share.

Experience the roar of the Blitzen-Benz as it pushed boundaries, surpassing the speed of trains, planes, and even steam cars of its time. The journey unfolds as the ambitious project takes shape, with a power plant weighing 407 kilograms, propelling the racing car to record-breaking speeds.

Brooklands witnessed history being made, but the Blitzen-Benz, with its new streamlined body, sought even greater challenges. European race tracks proved insufficient for its prowess, leading Benz & Cie. to embark on a transatlantic journey to the USA. Renamed "Lightning-Benz," it captivated audiences, reaching speeds twice that of contemporary airplanes.

The Blitzen-Benz continued its reign, breaking records in Daytona Beach in 1911, reaching an astonishing 228.1 km/h - faster than any car or rail vehicle of its time. This speed demon remained the fastest car in the world for another eight years, leaving an indelible mark on automotive history.

Buckle up for a captivating ride as we unravel the fascinating tale of the Blitzen-Benz, a timeless icon that raced through time, setting benchmarks and redefining what was possible on the roads of yesteryear.

Join us as we delve into the legacy of the Blitzen-Benz, a symbol of speed, innovation, and a pivotal chapter in the evolution of the automotive world. #BlitzenBenz #SpeedPioneer #automotivehistory

Source:Mercedes Benz


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