超強加持!淨化生活磁場,遠離負能量,消災解厄!|楞嚴咒心108遍|Heart of Shurangama Mantra|瑜珈花生醬 YOGA PEANUT BUTTER

Описание к видео 超強加持!淨化生活磁場,遠離負能量,消災解厄!|楞嚴咒心108遍|Heart of Shurangama Mantra|瑜珈花生醬 YOGA PEANUT BUTTER

"Powerful blessings! Purify your life's energy, stay away from negative energy, and eliminate disasters! | Heart of Shurangama Mantra 108 Times | Yoga Peanut Butter"

嗡 啊拿咧 啊拿咧 維夏爹 維夏爹 維拉瓦就 拉他咧 般他般他尼 瓦就辣 帕兒尼汗 吽 通隆 帕 梭哈

*Heart of Shurangama Mantra*
Om a na le a na le we sha de we sha de ve la wa ju la ta le ban ta ban ta ni wa ju la pa er ni han hum tong long pa soha

"May the merit of this practice be spread to all beings, so that we and all sentient beings may attain Buddhahood together."


1. **提升專注與毅力**:幫助你克服拖延和缺乏自律的困擾,讓你在工作和生活中更加專注。
2. **消除內心的罪惡感**:無論你犯下多大的錯,誦咒能幫助你放下過去,減輕內心壓力和自責。
3. **釋放壓力,獲得平靜**:化解生活中的壓力和煩惱,讓你內心平靜,擁有更清晰的思維。
4. **遠離災禍與困難**:幫助你在生活中避開不幸和災難,讓你在困境中得到保護和安定。
5. **得到支持和智慧**:經常誦咒會讓你感受到來自佛法的支持,幫助你在決策和困難中找到方向。
6. **防止外界負能量影響**:保護你不受負能量和有害環境的影響,讓你感受到安全和安心。

*The Six Benefits of the Shurangama Mantra:*

1. **Boost focus and discipline**: Helps you overcome procrastination and stay focused in work and life.
2. **Ease guilt and regret**: Frees you from past mistakes, reducing stress and self-blame.
3. **Relieve stress and find peace**: Calms your mind, providing clarity in difficult situations.
4. **Protect from misfortune**: Shields you from disasters and hardship, bringing stability and safety.
5. **Gain wisdom and support**: Offers guidance and wisdom in decision-making and challenging times.
6. **Block negative energy**: Protects you from harmful environments and negative influences.



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