Epic Agates, Ammonite Clusters, & an Insane TSA! Phenomenal Rock Hunt on the Yellowstone River!

Описание к видео Epic Agates, Ammonite Clusters, & an Insane TSA! Phenomenal Rock Hunt on the Yellowstone River!

In this one, we look back at a hunt from way back in May that I never got around to posting! This was our last hunt on the Yellowstone before runoff hit, and My GOSH was it a fantastic hunt! We found big beautiful agates, rainbow jaspers, gorgeous agatized wood, the nicest Treasure State Agate I've ever seen, and a bunch of colorful baculites, a concretion filled with beautiful ammonites! We found a little bit of everything! After the hunt, we head back to the shop to prep the fossils and get good closeups of our finds! I hope you all enjoy this one, and I'll have another one out very soon!

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Want to binge watch more of the channel? Well check out this playlist filled with all of my channel's highlight moments including hunts, projects, and other shenanigans!:
   • Highlights!  

Looking for some other fantastic rockhounding and fossil hunting channels to watch? Well check out any of these phenomenal channels for more treasure hunting content!

Wild Kyle: Wild Kyle:    / @wildkyle  

Paleocris:    / @paleocris  

Pulitzer Opal:    / @pulitzeropal  

Ozone Fine Art-Ventures:    / @ozonefineartventures  

406 Findings:    / @406findings  

The Rogue Rockhound:    / @theroguerockhound  

Du5tin Finds Rocks:    / @dustinfindsrocks  

Michael Van Dyke:    / @michaelvandyke  

Rockhounding Adventures:    / @rockhoundingadventures  

Agate Angler:    / @agateangler  

World of Rockhounds:    / @worldofrockhounds  

Montana Rock Mom:    / @montanarockmom  

Gravel Bar Hopper:    / @gravelbarhopper  

Marlaina Atkins:    / jmrlsatkins  

Rockhounding Life:    / @rockhoundinglife  

Agate Enchantment & Rock Wizardry:    / @agateenchantmentrockwizard5969  

Currently Rockhounding:    / @currentlyrockhounding  

Katydid Rocks!:    / bigskyartworks  

Agate Dad:    / @agatedad  

Quest for Details:    / @questfordetails  

Rookie Rockhounding:    / crazycrazysillyfresh  

Mamlambo:    / @mamlambofossils  

Michigan Rocks:    / jugglerguy1  

#thefinders #agates #fossils


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