ANGEL/DEMON » ❝Taehyung+Seokjin❞ [AU]

Описание к видео ANGEL/DEMON » ❝Taehyung+Seokjin❞ [AU]


In a world unknown to the human eye, beautiful creatures live. This world is none other than Heaven. The home of all those beautiful angels.
One day a strange boy appears in their garden (Taehyung). The angels all rush to give him help and keep him with them. What Taehyung noticed is that all of them have pretty blue eyes and when he asks them about it the angels explain to him that when an angel becomes fully kind their eyes take the color that their heart has chosen. And blue is the color that represents their purity.
Taehyung also sees another male angel. His eyes are not like those of the other angels. His eyes have a silver/white color. When he asks the angels about this. again they reply with just one sentence: 'It's because he is wiser than the rest of us.'
Time passes and the wiser angel (Seokjin) notices that Taehyung's eyes have still not chosen a color. He knows that something is wrong.
There have been many attacks. Angels suddenly gained a red color in their eyes. Red represents the evil. Angels have be turning their backs to good and following the evil.
Seokjin knows that his turn will soon come. And indeed it does. The wiser angel has finally become bad too.
And it was no other than Taehyung himself who brought evil into Heaven.

Taehyung's background story:
He commited a sin. A sin than no god was able to forgive. He took a life on his hands without any regret.
However there was one creature that could accept this. The Evil. He wanted to use Taehyung like no other demon of his. And just like that he sent him into Heaven, with the mission to destroy it.

end of cringey story

THERE WAS SO MUCH TRACKING IN THIS EDIT. SO MUCH THAT I GOT TOO LAZY TO CARE ABOUT THE REST OF THE EDIT. That's why the transitions, the text and coloring are so simple .

song: Oh be clever- River
software: Hitfilm 4 Express


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