Darryl's Walk Down the Aisle

Описание к видео Darryl's Walk Down the Aisle

Darryl is living with multiple sclerosis, and has been using the Neural Sleeve to improve his mobility and strength in advance of a very important day: his daughter's wedding. He looks forward to walking her down the aisle and dancing with her on her big day. Meet Darryl and hear his inspiring story.

The Neural Sleeve is FDA cleared bionic clothing used to improve walking and strength for individuals living with mobility differences brought on by neuromuscular diagnoses like stroke, MS, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. The most advanced mobility solution to improve walking and strength, the Neural Sleeve thoughtfully combines continuous motion analysis and functional electrical stimulation (FES) into a wearable garment.

How it works: Sophisticated sensors continuously monitor movement in real-time to evaluate muscle firing and limb position, while personalized algorithms deliver functional electrical stimulation to activate the necessary muscles precisely coordinated to the gait cycle.



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