Patras 2022 - 30 - Antonios Gardikiotis - Searching for galactic axions with a Dielectric Haloscope

Описание к видео Patras 2022 - 30 - Antonios Gardikiotis - Searching for galactic axions with a Dielectric Haloscope

Dr. Antonios Gardikiotis from the University of Hamburg, Germany, talks about "Advances in searching for galactic axions with a Dielectric Haloscope (MADMAX)" at the 17th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs.

The Patras Workshop took place at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz as the second week of events within the Wavy Dark Matter Summer event series in August 2022.

Axions are hypothetical particles that could explain the observed
dark matter density and simultaneously, they can naturally resolve
the strong CP problem in QCD. Recent theoretical works indicate
that axions are expected to have masses in the range of 40-400
μeV, a range that presently still evades experimental sensitivity. We
present a new experimental design to search for QCD axions in this
mass range via the MAgnetised Disk and Mirror Axion eXperiment
(MADMAX). MADMAX will be composed of multiple movable
dielectric disks and a mirror that are placed inside a strong magnetic
field to utilize the axion-induced coherent electromagnetic wave
emissions from each disc surface. In this contribution, the basic concept
of MADMAX will be introduced and laboratory-based setups
investigating the feasibility of the experiment will be shown. First
measurements from a small down-scaled dielectric haloscope performed
inside the MORPUGO magnet at CERN will be discussed.


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