Bushman Prank: The Calm before the STORM!! 2024!!

Описание к видео Bushman Prank: The Calm before the STORM!! 2024!!

What up Bush Fam!! I did NOT mean to go this long without uploading a video but, LIFE. Good thing is you all shouldn't have to wait as long for the next one and hopefully 2 videos. They are almost already completely filmed. I made 2 new suits for the Fall season and Halloween. One of them is in this video. Kinda sucks you cant see all the detail of the black roses but the next new suit I've been filming in looks GREAT on camera and in person. Got a lot of compliments in that one! Hate to sound like a broken record every video but, I lost a LOT of GREAT footage over the last couple weeks. One day I filmed for almost 3 hours before realizing my camera shut off after 30 minutes because my SD card was full. Another was because I didn't push in my intervalometer hard enough into the camera so it wasn't resetting. Another was a bad battery. Just the pains of filming by yourself, but, I got it done like always. Something else I noticed is that some of my best reactions happen right when my camera automatically shuts off and restarts every 30 minutes (thanks Canon). Bad timing is definitely a long chapter in my life but something it teaches me is patience and strength. Two of the 3 things I almost always pray for before starting to prank. Not sure exactly when I'm going to upload the next video or if I'm going to edit it like I did this one but I'm certain it will NOT take a month. Be back soon! Much love to you all!!!

Thank you for all 500K of you that are subscribed!! Really means a lot because I never thought I would have that many subscribers in a lifetime let alone in 5 years. Thank every single one of you for subscribing!!!

Random - Should I be ashamed I still don't know the difference between effect and affect? I'm not..

Random 2 - Learning I don't want anything easy in life. It's almost never worth it to me.

Random 3 - I've come to realize, no matter how much you love something, the minute you commoditize something it becomes a burden then a job.

Random 4 - You can hate the messenger all you want but you'd be a fool to ignore a factual message.

Random 5 - Something often mistaken is "Help vs Paid assistance"

Random 6 - Fun fact: It's hard to be racist if you hate everyone equally..

Random 7 - Clapbacks are destroying us, let it go...and stop with the selective beef. It's a sign of weakness. Do better and treat everyone the same. I know it is easier said than done but we all need to try.

Random 8 - There is no such thing as darkness without light.
Random Last : Overthinking about your past causes depression, and overthinking about your future causes anxiety. Be present. Learn to appreciate every breathe and be thankful. Your younger self would be PROUD OF YOU!!

Until next time. Be a good person. Not a nice person, but a good person. I had to learn it is a difference. Huge difference. Not everyone deserves your niceness but everyone deserves a good person.

Editor: Joe

Theme Song: Montel Moore https://www.montelmusic.com

Hope, Purpose, Opportunities, Persistence & Determination


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