The Most Powerful Meditation on Tattvas | Tattva Dharna Kriya | Experience the Magic of Elements |

Описание к видео The Most Powerful Meditation on Tattvas | Tattva Dharna Kriya | Experience the Magic of Elements |

Contemplation on Elements of Panch-Mahabhutas has been hailed equally in Tantric and Yogic lineages. There are many less known and secret processes that have been strictly handed down in the traditional way. Tattva Dharana Kriya has been one such secret process in our holy tantric guru lineage. With the grace of ‘Gurumandala’ (Lodge of Masters) for the benefit of all this process was allowed to be revealed to the commoners without having to go through ritualistic ‘Deeksha’ (Induction as apprentice/disciple in the lodge)

Tattva Dharna kriya is a simple, straight forward yet the most powerful process that uses the power of gross Elements coupled with the practitioners’ intention, imagination and invitation to connect with the ‘Subtler Realm’ of Tattvas (Elements). By tapping into Tattvic Realm the practitioner invokes many mystical experiences, profound healing and unbound joy. In fact there are so many recorded and reported benefits of Tattva Dharana Kriya over the centuries since it is being practiced in Tantra and Yoga Gurukulas.

Following are some of the benefits that Tattva Dharana Kriya offers, when done with regularity and discipline.

Brings Abundance and Wealth
Resolves Security and Survival Issues
Infuses Element of Stability in your life
Cultivates attitude of Fearlessness
Makes your endeavors and Projects Successful
Enhances the Immunity
Tones up the reproductive System
Dissolves Past Traumas
Gives fulfillment of Connectedness
Reduces Stress and gives Calm
Helps in coming out of addictions
Heals Relationship Issues
Makes one confident and stable
Infuses courage, enthusiasm and Power of Will
Corrects your orientation in life
Develops capacity to sense future
Shapes your personality to become magnetic
Infuses the element of inspiration in life
Makes your intentions powerful
Heals the scars of jealously, hatred and lack of love
Tunes you to be able to receive Cosmic Love
Enhances the Healing Capacity through touch
Generates compassionate outlook towards life
Ignites Creativity and Capacity of Clear Visualization
Gives the capacity of impactful, Clear and effective Expression
Illumines the hidden Intuitive Wisdom
Allows you to cure autoimmune conditions
Balances Ida-Pingala Nadis
Improves Self-Confidence and Ojas
Cleanses and Energizes Chakras
Regenerates your Aura & Tejas
Advance practice gives capacity to heal others remotely
Paves the pathway for further Kundalini Ascension
Comes to your aid to perform Supernatural feats
Many Magical effects are obtainable if Kriya is used in conjunction with some other Tantric and Yogic Processes

The Tattva Dharna Kriya was revealed to our beloved Masters Master AD and Ma Shakti Devpriya ji by their revered Gurudev Kaul Shiromani Shri Shivananath Nath ji Maharaj (Prayagraj, India) in the year 2013. Few years later Gurudev permitted them to share this Kriya with the uninitiated one.

"We have seen how profound impact this process makes on the lives of the practitioners even if they did it twice weekly" says Ma Shakti Devpriya.

In her words

"In totality Tattva Dharana Kriya takes around 1 Hr. The best way is wherein you take around 15 minutes of centering (through Nadishodhan/ Anulom – Vilom or devotional chanting) before following the Instructions (Guided Meditation). After your Kriya is over it is our advice that you should spend minimum 10 minutes in isolation relaxing to allow your body and being assimilate the higher energies of Tattvas that you accumulate during the Kriya instead of jumping into the mundane day-to-day activities. Minimum frequency of practice for this Kriya is once a week and ideal is daily once.

If you are suffering from any chronic issue in your body, mind, life or circumstances you should do this kriya daily for minimum 3 weeks. After 21 days you can reduce your frequency to alternate days and then gradually to once a week.

In the body related issues the positive effect gets visible in one sitting itself however you must continue till you eradicate your problem from its roots."

You can freely access the Kriya Instructions on this channel anytime.

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